Nov 8, 2024 5:23:31 PM | Getting Started ZONE FAQs


Why do ZONE sensors measure Moisture Content instead of Water Activity? I thought all that mattered was Water Activity...

In producing high-quality, consistent cannabis, both moisture content and water activity play critical roles. Moisture content represents the actual amount of water present in the cannabis material. Continuous and distributed monitoring of this parameter at multiple points during the drying process is essential, as moisture content directly influences the plant’s physical properties, including weight, texture, and potency. Precise control of moisture content throughout the bulk material enables producers to detect variations and achieve uniform drying. This consistency is crucial, as it leads to repeatable production processes and optimizes both yield and quality—factors that have a direct impact on the revenue generated from the flower.

In contrast, water activity measures how tightly water is bound within the cannabis, determining how easily it can be removed or made available for microbial growth. While it doesn’t provide insight into product quality or consistency, water activity is a critical safety measure checked after drying. If water activity levels are too high, conditions become favorable for mold and bacterial growth, which could ruin the product and introduce health risks. Therefore, although water activity is crucial for ensuring microbial safety, it’s the real-time monitoring of moisture content during drying that directly influences the quality and marketability of the final product.

Using Growvera’s ZONE sensors for continuous, non-invasive moisture measurement ensures producers maintain tight control over the drying process, leading to consistent, high-quality cannabis and maximizing profitability. A final check of water activity then confirms the product’s safety, ensuring it remains free from microbial contamination.

How do ZONE sensors work?

ZONE sensors measure the moisture in the stem to calculate bud moisture content. Growvera developed this precise algorithm by analyzing tens of thousands of data points. Using technology originally designed for academic research, Growvera refined the algorithm and sensor to cater to the unique post-harvest needs of cannabis.

How do ZONE sensors measure bud moisture when they clip to the stem?

ZONE sensors measure the moisture in the stem to calculate bud moisture content. The stem and bud share moisture as the water evaporates from the bud and leaf material. ZONE takes advantage of this relationship to measure the bud moisture while still providing a strong mechanical connection to the plant via the stem. 

How does ZONE integrate with my current post-harvest operations?

ZONE is designed to seamlessly integrate into your existing post-harvest operations for easy deployment and management. Our service guarantee includes custom SOP support to ensure consistent processes.

Check out our example SOP for ideas!

How do I sanitize my ZONE sensors?

Use a clean cloth or lint-free wipe with a small amount of isopropyl alcohol or other antimicrobial cleaning solution to sanitize ZONE sensors. Ensure no liquid can seep into the sensor electronics during cleaning.


Never submerge ZONE sensors in liquid, as this can damage or destroy their functionality.

I have steel/concrete walls. How is ZONE sensor signal effected?

ZONE sensors are engineered to work around signal attenuation caused by steel/concrete walls. ZONE gateways are installed in the same room as the sensors to ensure a stable and consistent data flow to the Growvera platform, providing real-time, uninterrupted post-harvest insights.

How many ZONE sensors do I need to get actionable data on my Cannabis dry?

Growvera calculates the number of ZONE sensors you need based on your drying spaces, flower volume, and strain variety. It is crucial to monitor a representative sample of your total harvest to obtain precise, actionable data. Growvera technical experts are on hand to help you determine the optimal sensor quantity, ensuring accuracy without compromising on precision.

Why can't I select more than one strain per dry on my dashboard?

Growvera ZONE only allows one strain per dry to maintain data integrity. This approach segments drying characteristics by strain, enhancing repeatability and accuracy. Growvera provides reliable, actionable data by mandating each strain or strain type be measured separately.

Expanding Deployment ℹ️

If you need more sensors, reach out to Growvera. We want to ensure you are getting the data you need to achieve consistency in the drying process!

Why do you give average data and not individual sensor data?

ZONE offers average data across your entire strain population in order to provide actionable insights on your whole harvest. This approach ensures decisions benefit the entire crop, not individual plants. If concerns about dry room hot spots arise, our Support Specialists are ready to assist with an in-depth analysis of your data.